9 ways to help control your blood pressure

July 28, 2015

According to Hypertension Canada, 7.4 million Canadians have high blood pressure, but many more may have it and not know it. The following tips will help keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.

9 ways to help control your blood pressure

1. Take a walk.

  • You don't need a lot of exercise to make a difference in your blood pressure.
  • A brisk 15 minute walk each day will do the trick.

2. Take your meds.

Twenty five percent of the time, if your blood pressure is high, you've forgotten to take your pills.

3. Buy a blood pressure monitor.

  • Home blood pressure testing provides a better picture of blood pressure levels than readings in a doctor's office.
  • One study found that people who monitored their blood pressure had lower overall blood pressure than those who had pressure taken only at the doctor's office.

4. Add flaxseeds.

  • Mix 30 grams (two tablespoons) into your yogurt, soup, or spaghetti sauce.
  • One study found that adding 60 grams (four tablespoons) of seeds significantly lowered systolic blood pressure (the top number) in postmenopausal women with a history of heart disease.

5. Drink tea.

  • An Australian study found that each 250 millilitre (one cup) increase in daily tea consumption decreased systolic blood pressure by two points and diastolic pressure by one point.
  • Benefits ended after one litre (four cups).

6. Eat avocados.

  • They have more blood pressure-lowering potassium than any other fruit or vegetable, including bananas.
  • Canadian men and women need 4,700 mg of potassium every day, but many get just half this amount.

7. Choose dark chocolate.

  • Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids that keep your arteries flexible, preventing the increases in pressure that come with stiffer blood vessels.
  • A study found that 85 grams (about three ounces) of dark chocolate a day helped to lower blood pressure in older people with high systolic numbers.
  • Other sources of flavonoids include tea and wine.

8. Try roasted soybeans.

  • People with high blood pressure can lower their systolic readings by an average of 10 points by eating 30 grams (about one ounce) of roasted soybeans a day for two weeks.
  • Buy them unsalted.

9. Flavour with pepper.

  • A strong flavour, pepper can help you to reduce your taste for salt.
  • Try pepper and, if that doesn't appeal, try garlic, lemon, ginger, basil or other spicy flavours you enjoy.
  • After a week, your blood pressure will be singing your praises.
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