Ants in your pants, er, garden? Here are a few ways to deal with ants who call your garden home.
June 23, 2015
Ants in your pants, er, garden? Here are a few ways to deal with ants who call your garden home.
Gardeners usually consider ants to be pests, and it's true that ants can loosen the soil around young plants, causing them to die. Some species shelter and protect aphids so they can feed on the aphids' sweet honeydew.
Besides keeping ants away, the mint leaves can be brewed into delicious caffeine-free tea.
A mash of hot chiles and water will keep ants away.
Boric acid mixed with sugar is an effective ant poison, but only in gardens with no children or pets.
Create an ant barrier around plants, on front steps and between garden rows with a sprinkling of agricultural lime, bonemeal or powdered charcoal.
Inside the house, safely repel ants by sprinkling pennyroyal, camphor, clove oil, tansy, spearmint or broken eggshells on a few dishes, then place them in closets and on shelves.
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