All atoms  
Your browser does not support WebGL.
Dynamically generated for selected residues.
Nodes can be dragged or clicked.

Selection: Name:   

Defined Sets:
Set Operations:

Specification Tips:

Note: VAST+ finds other macromolecular structures that have a similar biological unit. To do this, VAST+ takes into consideration the complete set of 3D domains that VAST identified within a query structure, throughout all of its component protein molecules, and finds other macromolecular structures that have a similar set of proteins/3D domains.

Note: VAST identifies 3D domains (substructures) within each protein structure in the Molecular Modeling Database (MMDB), and then finds other protein structures that have one or more similar 3D domains, using purely geometric criteria. You have two ways to do a VAST search.

Optione 1, search with PDB ID and chain name:
PDB ID:   Chain Name:

Optione 2, search with a PDB file:
PDB File:
Searching against: Medium-redundancy Subset of PDB ? All of PDB
Note: You can search similar PDB or AlphaFold structures for any structure at the fast Foldseek web server.

Once you see the structure neighbors, you can view the alignment in iCn3D by inputing a list of chain IDs below.

The PDB chain IDs are the same as the record names such as "1hho_A". The AlphaFold chain IDs are the UniProt ID plus "_A". For example, the UniProt ID for the record name "AF-P69905-F1-model_v2" is "P69905".

Chain ID List:
Note: AlphaFold produces a per-residue confidence score (pLDDT) between 0 and 100:
  Very high (pLDDT > 90)
  Confident (90 > pLDDT > 70)
  Low (70 > pLDDT > 50)
  Very low (pLDDT < 50)

AlphaFold Uniprot ID:

PAE Map:
Note: Several PDB files could be concatenated into a single PDB file. Use the line "ENDMDL" to separate PDB files.

PDB File:
Multiple PDB Files:
The custom JSON file on residue colors has the following format for proteins("ALA" and "ARG") and nucleotides("G" and "A"):
{"ALA":"#C8C8C8", "ARG":"#145AFF", ..., "G":"#008000", "A":"#6080FF", ...}

Residue Color File:
The custom file for the structure has two columns separated by space or tab: residue number, and score in the range of 0-100. If you click "Apply Custom Color" button, the scores 0, 50 and 100 correspond to the three colors specified below. If you click "Apply Custom Tube", the selected residues will be displayed in a style similar to "B-factor Tube".

Custom File:

Score to Color: 0: 50: 100:

Enter the PDB IDs or MMDB IDs of two structures that have been found to be similar by VAST+ :

ID1:       ID2:

Enter two AlphaFold Uniprot IDs:

ID1:       ID2:

All chains will be aligned to the first chain in the comma-separated chain IDs. Each chain ID has the form of PDBID_chain (e.g., 1HHO_A, case sensitive) or UniprotID (e.g., P69905 for AlphaFold structures).

Chain IDs:

Optional 1, full chains are used for structure alignment

Optional 2, sequence alignment (followed by structure alignemnt) based on residue numbers in the First/Master chain:

Optional 3, predefined alignment with the first chain as the master. The rest chains are aligned to the master chain. Each alignment is defined as " | "-separated residue lists in one line. "10-50" means a range of residues from 10 to 50.

(Note: To align chains in custom PDB files, you could load them in "File > Open File > PDB Files (appendable)" and click "Analysis > Defined Sets". Finally select multiple chains in Defined Sets and click "File > Realign Selection".)

Please specify the mutations with a comma separated mutation list. Each mutation can be specified as "[PDB ID]_[Chain ID]_[Residue Number]_[One Letter Mutatnt Residue]". E.g., the mutation of N501Y in the E chain of PDB 6M0J can be specified as "6M0J_E_501_Y".


Data Source:

Mol2 File:
SDF File:
XYZ File:
AlphaFold PAE File:

File type:
URL in the same host:
mmCIF File:
List of MMDB, PDB, or AlphaFold UniProt IDs:

Note: The "biological unit" is the biochemically active form of a biomolecule,
Enter a Sequence ID (or FASTA sequence) and the aligned Structure ID, which can be found using the BLAST search against the pdb database with the Sequence ID or FASTA sequence as input.

Sequence ID(NCBI protein accession of a sequence):
or FASTA sequence:

Structure ID(NCBI protein accession of a chain of a 3D structure):
Your note will be saved in the HTML file when you click "File > Save Files > iCn3D PNG Image".

Protein gi:
Note: A list of structures will be shown. Click "View in iCn3D" to view each structure in 3D.

UniProt ID:
PubChem CID:
iCn3D PNG image:
State file:
Since January 6, 2021, you can show the original view with the archived version of iCn3D by pasting your URL below and click "Show Originial View". Note the version in the parameter "v" was used to replace "full.html" with "full_[v].html" in the URL.

Share Link URL:

Selection file:
Note: Always load a PDB file before loading DSN6 files.

2fofc contour at: σ

fofc contour at: σ

Note: Always load a PDB file before loading DSN6 files.

2fofc contour at: σ
URL in the same host:    

fofc contour at: σ
URL in the same host:    

Click in the input box to use the color picker:

Custom Color:
Grid Size: Salt Concentration: M

Potential contour at: kT/e(25.6mV at 298K)

Note: Only the selected residues are used for DelPhi potential calculation by solving linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation.

Grid Size: Salt Concentration: M

Surface with max potential at: kT/e(25.6mV at 298K)

Surface: Opacity: Wireframe:

Note: Only the selected residues are used for DelPhi potential calculation by solving linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation.

Potential contour at: kT/e(25.6mV at 298K)

Grid Size: Salt Concentration: M

PQR File:

Phi File:

Cube File:

Note: Always load a PDB file before loading a PQR or DelPhi potential file.

Surface with max potential at: kT/e(25.6mV at 298K)

Surface: Opacity: Wireframe:

Grid Size: Salt Concentration: M

PQR File:

Phi File:

Cube File:

Note: Always load a PDB file before loading a PQR or DelPhi potential file.

Potential contour at: kT/e(25.6mV at 298K)

Grid Size: Salt Concentration: M

PQR URL in the same host:

Phi URL in the same host:

Cube URL in the same host:

Note: Always load a PDB file before loading a PQR or DelPhi potential file.

Surface with max potential at: kT/e(25.6mV at 298K)

Surface: Opacity: Wireframe:

Grid Size: Salt Concentration: M

PQR URL in the same host:

Phi URL in the same host:

Cube URL in the same host:

Note: Always load a PDB file before loading a PQR or DelPhi potential file.


Distance: Contact Type:

1. Choose interaction types and their thresholds:
Hydrogen Bonds    
Salt Bridge/Ionic    
Halogen Bonds    
2. Select the first set:
3. Select the second set:

Sort Interactions on:

to show interactions between two lines of residue nodes

to show interactions as map

to show interactions with strength parameters in 0-200:
Helix or Sheet: Coil or Nucleotide: Disulfide Bonds:
Hydrogen Bonds: Salt Bridge/Ionic: Contacts:
Halogen Bonds: π-Cation: π-Stacking:
(Note: you can also adjust thresholds at #1 to add/remove interactions.)

5. and select new sets
1. Select sets below
or use your current selection:


1. Select sets below
or use your current selection:


1. Select sets below:


1. Select sets below:


  Hold Ctrl key to select multiple nodes/lines.
Green: H-Bonds; Cyan: Salt Bridge/Ionic; Grey: contacts
Magenta: Halogen Bonds; Red: π-Cation; Blue: π-Stacking


Hold Ctrl key to select multiple nodes.   

Hold Ctrl key to select multiple nodes.   

Hold Ctrl key to select multiple nodes.   

Expected position error (Angstroms)

Contour at: σ
Contour at: σ
Contour at: % of maximum EM values
1. Select the first set:

2. Sphere with a radius: Å

3. Select the second set to apply the sphere:

4. the sphere around the first set of atoms

interacting/contacting residue pairs in a file
Note: The membranes are parallel to the X-Y plane. The center of the membranes is at Z = 0.

1. Extracellular membrane Z-axis position: Å

2. intracellular membrane Z-axis position: Å

3. the adjusted membranes

Note: The membranes are parallel to the X-Y plane. The center of the membranes is at Z = 0.

1. Z-axis position of the first X-Y plane: Å

2. Z-axis position of the second X-Y plane: Å

3. the region between the planes to Defined Sets

1. Text:
2. Size:
3. Color:
4. Pick TWO atoms while holding "Alt" key
1. Text:
2. Size:
3. Color:
Color for all labels:

1. Pick TWO atoms while holding "Alt" key
2. Line Color:
1. Pick TWO atoms while holding "Alt" key
2. Color:
1. Select two sets
First set:
Second set:
2. Color:

1. Select sets for pairwise distances
First sets:
Second sets:
1. Pick TWO atoms while holding "Alt" key
Line Radius:    (for stabilizers, hydrogen bonds, distance lines, default 0.1)
Coil Radius:    (for coils, default 0.3)
Stick Radius:    (for sticks, default 0.4)
Trace Radius:    (for C alpha trace, O3' trace, default 0.4)
Ribbon Thickness:    (for helix and sheet ribbons, nucleotide ribbons, default 0.2)
Protein Ribbon Width:    (for helix and sheet ribbons, default 1.3)
Nucleotide Ribbon Width:    (for nucleotide ribbons, default 0.8)
Ball Scale:    (for styles 'Ball and Stick' and 'Dot', default 0.3)
Note: The following parameters will be saved in cache. You just need to set them once.

1. Shininess:    (for the shininess of the 3D objects, default 40)

2. Three directional lights:
Key Light:    (for the light strength of the key light, default 0.6)
Fill Light:    (for the light strength of the fill light, default 0.4)
Back Light:    (for the light strength of the back light, default 0.2)

3. Thickness:
Line Radius:    (for stabilizers, hydrogen bonds, distance lines, default 0.1)
Coil Radius:    (for coils, default 0.3)
Stick Radius:    (for sticks, default 0.4)
Trace Radius:    (for C alpha trace, O3' trace, default 0.4)
Ribbon Thickness:    (for helix and sheet ribbons, nucleotide ribbons, default 0.2)
Protein Ribbon Width:    (for helix and sheet ribbons, default 1.3)
Nucleotide Ribbon Width:    (for nucleotide ribbons, default 0.8)
Ball Scale:    (for styles 'Ball and Stick' and 'Dot', default 0.3)

4. Show Glycan Cartoon:    (0: hide, 1: show, default 0)

5. Show Membrane:    (0: hide, 1: show, default 1)

NCBI gi/Accession:


Please copy one of the URLs below. They show the same result.
(To add a title to share link, click "Windows > Your Note" and click "File > Share Link" again.)

Original URL with commands:

Lifelong Short URL:(To replace this URL, send a pull request to update share.html at iCn3D GitHub)

Lifelong Short URL + Window Title:(To update the window title, click "Analysis > Your Note/Window Title".)

All  Conserved Domains  ClinVar  Functional Sites  
Custom  3D Domains  SNPs  Interactions  
Disulfide Bonds  Cross-Linkages  

Zoom: mouse wheel;     Move: left button;     Select Multiple Nodes: Ctrl Key and drag an Area   
Force on Nodes:
   Label Size:    
Internal Edges:
Solvent Accessible Surface Area(SASA) calculated using the EDTSurf algorithm:
(0-20% out is considered "in". 50-100% out is considered "out".)

Toal: 2

Color each residue based on the percentage of solvent accessilbe surface area. The color ranges from blue, to white, to red for a percentage of 0, 35(variable), and 100, respectively.

Middle Percentage(White): %

Alignment RMSD:

Select residue based on the percentage of solvent accessilbe surface area. The values are in the range of 0-100.

Min Percentage: %
Max Percentage: %

Select residue based on B-factor. The values are in the range of 0-100.

Min B-factor: %
Max B-factor: %